Chai Tea: Indulge in the Exotic Flavour Packed with Health Benefits

Drinking tea is a centuries-old tradition that has cultural significance across various regions of the world. Tea still remains the most consumed beverage worldwide. This aromatic sensation in a cup is prised for its numerous potential health benefits, its taste and comforting warmth. There are so many various types of teas that come with unique tastes and aromas, providing unique health benefits.

If you’re into spicy sensations, pour yourself a cup of tea chai tea to experience its plentiful health benefits, while enjoying a wide range of unique flavours.

What is Chai Tea Made of?


Originating in India, this tea is also known as masala tea, typically made from a blend of black tea, spices and milk. The spices used in chai are typically ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, cloves and even vanilla or anise.

Basically, there is no set tea recipe. You can adapt it as you please or buy ready-made tea chai tea with specific flavours and spices. You can find it available as a spiced chai latte as well, which is an excellent alternative to coffee.

How Can Drinking Chai Tea Improve Your Health

Because this delicious tea is packed with various spices, they only boost its benefits for our overall health. Whether you want to improve digestion, help you bate inflammation or improve your mood, pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the exotic flavour for better health.

However, it’s important to note that those who suffer from high blood sugar, avoid chai tea packages that contain sugar in the ingredients. Otherwise, feel free to indulge in this spicy sensation.

It Contains Antioxidants

As already mentioned, chai tea consists of black tea, infused with specific spices. Black tea is known for its high content of antioxidants. Antioxidants play a significant role in neutralising free radicals in our bodies, which cause degenerative diseases and certain types of cancer.

As such, chai contributes to reducing oxidative stress and promotes cellular health. Supported by the antioxidants from the added spices, it only strengthens the healing properties of the tea and makes it a delightful treasure that improves our overall health.

Chai tea is a great source of antioxidants, which work to reduce free radicals in the body and promote cellular health and can even help prevent degenerative diseases and certain forms of cancer. Like other types of tea made from the camellia sinensis tea plant, black tea is extremely high in antioxidants. Cinnamon bark, cardamom, and cloves are also high in antioxidants.

It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Due to the content of antioxidants, this tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the inflammation in the boy. Additionally, some spices found in the tea such as ginger, Curcuma and cinnamon, also boost anti-inflammatory effects, which only serve as extra support in the fight against inflammation.

By consuming this tea blend regularly, you may benefit from lowering the risk of chronic diseases associated with inflammation.

It May Improve Digestion


Some of the spices that can be found in chai tea such as ginger, cinnamon and cloves have been traditionally used for centuries to promote digestion. Therefore, consuming tea blends with some of these spices can be very helpful in alleviating digestive discomfort, reducing bloating, and promoting overall gastrointestinal health.

May Support Heart Health

The flavonoids present in black tea can be very helpful in preventing plaque buildup in the arteries. Additionally, cinnamon is also used in treating cardiovascular diseases and reducing the levels of bad cholesterol. Based on this, daily consumption of chai may be associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and heart attack, by improving blood vessel function.

It Can Enhance Your Mood

Black tea is a stimulant, meaning, it provides us with a higher level of energy which can significantly improve our mood for the day. Besides black tea, the spices often used in this tea blend can additionally help us improve our mood and our brain clarity. For instance, ginger and black pepper can help us increase concentration and energy levels. When we have better cognitive function and concentration, we also feel better.

It May Improve Your Skin’s Health

It’s all about the antioxidants. These powerful molecules have such positive effects on our entire body and the benefits to our skin are no exception. Bleak tea is rich in vitamins and minerals good for the skin that help our skin stay hydrated and nourished. Daily drinking of this exotic sensation can help you have a radiant glow and beautiful complexion, looking healthy and fresh.

May Strengthen Immune Function


Many of the spices included in chai tea have antimicrobial properties which can significantly help us boost our immune system. Ginger, back pepper, Curcuma and cloves are often consumed for their antimicrobial effects and they are commonly found in chai tea blends. Therefore, regularly drinking chai can help you reduce the risk of infections.

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